
Betsy's Blog

Oh the madness

Friday October 12th 2007

Hormones suck.

I have had such a nice reprieve from hormones the past 3 years. I have not had good ol' aunt flo since the cycle I conceived Aidan. It has been great! (one of the advantages to extended breast feeding)

Well, last weekend things below the equator have *awakened* if you will, and suddenly I am doing the unthinkable-I am ovulating! Crap. Something I have not had to think about for a long, long time. Ovulation, cycles, and naturally it has been incredibly uncomfortable given the length of time I have not had my period. I do not like it one bit. I saw my gynecologist on Mon for my yearly check-up, and when I told her how crappy I was feeling down there she ordered an ultrasound. Boy does that bring back memories! Insert trusty shaft-like wand, and Lo and behold- I have a follie on the right, ripe and ready to ovulate. She told me I will likely get my first period in the next 2-3 weeks, and suggested i have some Naprosen on hand because "It may be painful." Oh lovely.

So I take a break for awhile cycle-wise and I forget what a royal pain it is to be a woman. Cervical mucus? Estrogen? Tampons? pantiliners? Bloating? I have not had to utter those words in so long. When Aidan accidentally kicked my belly last night and I gasped because I am so tender down there I remembered what I used to feel a long, long, time ago, and now feel again.

Such a bummer. Tampon aisle, here I come.

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