
Betsy's Blog

The big man on the throne

Friday September 21st 2007

So this morning Aidan announced that he had to go poop. As he grabbed his backside, in his diaper I asked him if he wanted to go poo poo on the potty. Suprisingly, he said yes. (I am TRYING to work on potty training but he is showing no real interest)

I sat him down on the potty, and noticed that he was straining, as if peeing required the same effort as pooping. (sorry for the kiddo-verbage) So I said to Aidan "Let's grab a book and we can read while you are on the potty." I handed him the Dr. Seuss book that is his favorite-The Foot Book.

I watched as he sat there, reading his book out loud "Oh how many many feet you meet," pointing at the pictures, with his pajamas at his ankles and slippers on his feet. I grabbed the camera, because it was so damn cute. I flashed a couple of photos and then just stood there, in amazement at how fast my little one is growing up. I had just put on my makeup, and as I got all teary eyed I realized that I had make up smeared tears filling my eyes.

My sweet little one is growing up before my eyes.

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