Betsy's Blog
A mom-ish kid of thing
So last night it was the graduation for the older children at Aidan's pre-school, and they had a ceremony and BBQ. All the classes have been practicing a little performance, with music, singing, and dancing. I went into the church to find a seat, and it was teaming with families, grandparents, siblings. I could barely find room to sit. Imagine the look I got when asked "How many seats do you need?" and I said "Just one." (Aidan was with his class preparing to get on stage)
Out came my sweet little guy, smiling in his Hawiian clothes and his longish surfer blonde hair. He jumped around singing at the top of his lungs, with all his classmates as the parents beamed. It was truly the cutest thing I have ever seen. I tried to get up high so Aidan could see me as other parents vied for space among the crowd to wave as well. He finally caught my wave when he was all done, and immediately came running, calling "Mommy!"
I realized in that moment that I felt like such a mom. It was a wonderful and truly momentus event in our little family. Aidan is growing up. Here I was in the audience, watching him perform independently with his classmates. He did not need me up there to encourage him, to push him to do what he was supposed to do. His teacher, Ms. Maria was there, doing all that for me. I was so proud, to see my sweet boy acting so big, and to hear from other parents that they had met him during visits they made to the class and how cute and charming he was.
I looked around after the performance was over, at the sea of families milling about, and felt so satisfied and complete. I did not feel wistful or unhappy at my special and unique little family. I felt so content. My boy is growing up as a happy, charming, smart and social boy, who is making me so proud. No daddy required.